Timpano Alla Big Night (Drum of Ziti And Great Stuff)
Posted on September 01 2021

Stanley Tucci, where do I start with my love for him......
I fell in Love with Him and Meryl in Julie and Julia. He's so sweet and charming! So after the movie my husband bought me beautiful pearls and Stanley's book and a card that said
"You are the butter to my bread, you are the breath to my life"
In a lot of ways my husband reminds me of Paul Child in the movie. He encourages all my dreams no matter how silly they may seem, he helps me with so many aspects of my business. He cooks with me takes photos with me and is always willing to help me with all my challenges!
So after cooking with this book for a while I had cooked quite a few things but when I seen Timpano I thought Um that looks weird! Then I heard Stanley had this movie made in the 90s called the Big Night all about saving a little restaurant him and his brother started after moving from Italy. Timpano is served and it is decribed as the most deliciuous they ever tried. So challenge accepted! My husband and I set out to make this very interesting dish.
To start we opened a good bottle of wine and started the dough
-4 cups of flour
-4 eggs
-1 tsp salt
-3 tbls olive oil
-1/2 of water
butter and olive oil to grease the dutch oven generously
-2cups salami
-2 cups sharp provolone cheese cubes
-6 hard boiled eggs
2 cups of meatballs
-4 cups of pasta sauce (I use my Spaghetti sauce)
-1 box of ziti or rigatoni (very al dente)
-1cup of finely grated pecorino romano cheese
-6 eggs beaten
1st layer rigatoni with sauce
2nd layer add salami pieces
3rd layer add cheese
4th layer add the eggs (yes thats right eggs)
5th layer add the meatballs
6th layer add more cheese and top with beaten eggs
Now we are ready for the oven
Bake at 350 for an hour until lightly brown, then cover with tinfoil and cook for another 30 min (until the internal temperature is 120 f and the dough is golden brown) Let sit for about 30 min to cool and contract in the pan to test shake the pan and it should slightly spin
To remove the Timapno from pan flip upside down onto large cutting board
Let it cool for another 30 min to cool before cutting
This dish was deliciously interesting! So if your looking for a fun date night throw on some cute aprons and cook up this masterpiece!