White Wine Shrimp fettuccine
Posted on February 25 2021

“ There's nothing I like more than a lovely bowl of pasta.” - Naomi Campbell
White wine shrimp fettuccine
What you need
Get a lovely crisp bottle of white wine to sip while you sauté
-1 lb of fettuccine
-1/4 cup of butter
-1/4 of shredded parmigiana
-1/2 cup of heavy cream
-1/2 cup of white wine
-garlic 3-5 cloves
-1 cup of finely chopped spinach
-1 cup of frozen peas (run under warm water)
-1pound of shrimp sautéed in garlic butter
To get started boil your pasta in salted water, I think the secret to great pasta in really salty water!
Pour a glass of white wine to sip
Start sautéing the shrimp in the butter once browned add the chopped garlic, when the garlic is soft add the wine, then the whip cream get it to a small boil the slowly add the parmigiana and the peas Then add cooked pasta and spinach. Season with cracked pepper and grated fresh parmigiana
I love making this on a Wednesday, I love making something fun midweek just to add a little excitement to my week 💗
Enjoy with white wine🥂