Pasta And A Playlist

Marla Fortier

Posted on March 24 2020

Pasta And A Playlist

"I'd much rather eat pasta and drink wine than be a size zero" Sophia Loren

 Hello friends,

I hope all is well, things feel a little crazy as we are still under quarantine. So this quiet Tuesday evening I made pasta, sipped wine and escaped the craziness listening to my favourite dinner playlist. Nothing but peace and enjoyment fill my home. Its a wonderful little escape. There really is nothing like the comfort of pasta and wine.

Here is a super simple pasta recipe 

Sauté onions, mushrooms, garlic, and cherry tomatoes in olive oils and a tablespoon of butter until caramelized 

Then add Half a jar of passata (I like Mutti) , half a tube of Mutti tomato paste

add 1/4 cup of cream 

Spices- 1/4 tsp of basil and thyme , salt, pepper and 1/2 teaspoon of brown sugar

simmer on low as your pasta cooks (i love Garofalo pasta Pappardelle)

When i cook my pasta I add lots of salt! so when its done I take 1/4 cup of the water and add to my sauce makes for a velvety delicious sauce

As I cook and sip my Jlor wine ( one of my favourites ) I am relaxing to the sweets sounds of my dinner playlist 

Dinner Playlist

La vie en rose-Louis Armstrong

Si Tu Vois Ma Mere-Claude Luter et son orchestre

In a sentimental mood-Duke Ellington

Bistro Fada-Stephane Wrembel

Barcarolle From "The Tales of Hoffman"-Yrving and Lisa Yeras

Julie and Julia Julia's Theme-The academy Orchestra

Time After Time-Margret Whiting

Mes emmerdes-Charles Aznavour

I'll be seeing you-Billie Holiday

Let's do it-Brazilian Orchestra


Dear Music,

Thank you for always healing my heart and lifting my spirits

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