Girlfriends pasta 🍝

marla fortier

Posted on July 21 2022

Girlfriends pasta 🍝

I host a girls night in at my house most mondays we love watching the bachelor/bachelorette and I love making a different pasta dish
So last week I did up one my favourite pasta dishes I call the girlfriends pasta ! I call it that because it’s the perfect dish to share with your girlfriends! And now you can too πŸ₯°

The girlfriends pasta 🍝 Cherry tomato artichoke pasta
Pint of Cherry tomatoes fresh
1 Can of mutti cherry tomatoes
1 Can of artichokes
2 tbls of tomato paste
1/2 cup of white wine
1/4 cup Whip cream
Teaspoon Brown sugar or to your taste
I like to use a bulb Garlic πŸ§„

How to make
Use a fairly big sauce pan (in the words of Julia child always use a bigger pot than you need) πŸ˜‚
Poor olive oil and get nice and hot add your fresh tomatoes πŸ… to your oil you want to roll these in the pan until blistered and have popped.
Once they’ve popped and blister add your garlic πŸ§„ ( now this is personal preference I personally add the whole bulb!)
Roll with your tomatoes for a minute then add your white wine let that simmer a minute
Next add your canned artichoke
break artichoke apart with wooden spoon
Then add your canned tomatoes πŸ₯« and tomato paste once this is well stirred together simmer for 5 minutes then add the whipping cream
Boil your pasta in salty water I do 3 tablespoons and save 1/4 cup of pasta water to add to the sauce
And then add your pasta to your sauce poor some wine and enjoy πŸ˜‰
Bon appetite




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